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What our memberships include

Perks of Membership include, but are not limited to:


Access to our extensive Lending Libraries of over 150 baby carriers.


Access to Little Lenders Library: Members can check out one doll carrier with their regular membership. Choose from doll/toy slings, wraps, buckle carriers, or bei dais. Promote babywearing for the next generation!


Supporting your local group. 100% of your membership fee stays right here in Ocala-- helping to expand our Lending Library of carriers, community outreach, as well as to provide brochures, business cards and other costs associated with running a nonprofit group. 


Local discounts for MCBW members (you will need to show your membership card to redeem discounts).


Additional discounts and promotions for members during special events and International Babywearing Week.


Membership fees are a donation; tax receipt available upon request



When you become a member of Marion County Babywearers you get a 12 month membership. During that time you can check out one carrier a month from our Lending Library (available at our monthly meetings). You will be able to browse and borrow from our extensive collection of over 150 carriers.  This is a wonderful way to try new carrier types, styles, brands, and blends in the comfort of your own home and as you go about your daily life. When else are you able to try 12 different carriers and wear your baby close every day for a year for only $30??


Help us increase babywearing awareness & education

It's more than just a membership, Your donation supports a nonprofit dedicated to providing free, hands-on babywearing education to parents and caregivers. 

Single Memberships

One carrier check-out per month
access to little lenders program, local discounts from participating retailers. 30$ per year 



Family Membership

Family memberships allow multiple caregivers in a household to share a membership. Two carrier check-outs per month, access to little lenders and all other benefits. 45$ per year (late fees apply for each carrier)



Scholarship Memberships Available

If you would like to join Marion County Babywearers but the cost has prevented you from doing so, please apply below. Our only requirements are that you have been to at least one meeting (please remember that meetings are free and open to the public) and that you are in need of the assistance. Fill out a scholarship application here.



Membership types

Little Lenders

Did you know we offer a Little Lenders Program? Members can check out one child-sized doll carrier with their regular membership. Choose from doll/toy slings, wraps, buckle carriers, or bei dais. Promote babywearing for the next generation! 

Local Discounts

Many local and online businesses share discounts and incentives with our group. 


If you have a business or service and would like to offer a membership perk please contact us .

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